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About Crystals

About Crystals: Text

History of Crystals.

History records the use of crystals as both functional and ornamental. The Gods of ancient myth wore them in their breastplates. Priests of many societies and brotherhoods, as keepers and preservers of lost prehistoric wisdom, often wore bejewelled amulets and plates, which acted as "oracles" and "voice pieces" from which advice was obtained. The Urim and Thummim stones of the Hebrew high priests were a prime example. The Atlanteans used crystals for healing - communication - weather control - as record keepers - among other things. Tibetans used them to produce light.

Mayans, among others, used crystals in their statues. John L. Stephens in his classic work on the Mayan civilization, Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, tells how in one small Mayan temple he discovered 'a pedestal formed of a shining substance resembling glass' around which he was told the ancient priests gathered and consulted pictures created in the 'black, transparent stone.' He wrote, 'A native informed me that their ancestors had known the gift of the vision stone, when his people were instructed in the arts of civilization.'

In Peru, Spanish chroniclers recorded that when they invaded the Incan Empire and captured the King, the Queen and priests immediately fled to the Temple of the Sun in Cuzco, where they communicated with other regents of the land, and decided what was to be done, by gazing into the 'black mirror' situated at the Temple's centre.

Significantly, the Incan Temple of the Sun, and the pyramid complexes of the Mayas, were all located on Earth energy lines. There is thus reason to believe that the Ancients possessed the ability of transmitting images along these lines, and crystal lenses or screens were used at specific centres to transform the images into pictures, much like a modern television set.

When we examine what modern research is uncovering regarding the full spectrum of the properties of crystals, and compare this with the Ancient knowledge, we discover we are touching upon only the very beginnings of a vast forgotten technology.

Crystals, at their simplest functional level, can store light and discharge it, or convert sunlight directly into electricity. A step beyond, the crystalline form can also store information in vast quantities. A cut sliver of crystal can pick up a specified vibratory pattern; the silver can then be 'frozen' and subsequently 'unfrozen' later to playback the pattern.

A complex sandwich of liquid crystal layers and mirrors act as light valves to create closed loops of light and moonlight signals, which correspond to a two alphabet system of information storage. By such means, information can be stored with a density of 2,500-fold over that of conventional electrical-digital computers. The first working model of the light and crystal computer is scheduled to be operational within a very short time. But one wonders if someone else, long ago, developed such a system before us. Could there be banks and libraries of knowledge stored in the crystals of standing stones, stone circles and other monuments around the world, just waiting, silently, for modern man to tap into them and learn the wisdom hidden within?

Not only knowledge, but the actual consciousness and emotional energies of psychic individuals from past ages may still reside in many ancient crystal forms. Several researchers have used crystals to capture the life force, or the vibratory pattern of a person at death.

Other experiments being conducted are said to have successfully captured a human thought within a crystal and retransmitted it back as an image. Author George Hunt Williamson, who believes that crystals played a significant role in past civilizations, expressed his opinion that crystals can think, and many standing stones have an 'intelligence within them". Masses of crystal flakes encased in a single stone may act as individual neurons passing along information from one flake to another and organize it, like a large crystal brain.

Certain individual crystals, in particular diamonds and other precious stones, can hold conscious emotional energies from a bygone era, which may be triggered from time to time, affecting their owners.

The best classic case of this is the famous Hope Diamond, and the mysterious curse attached to it. The Hope was originally part of a much larger gem called the Great Blue, later the French Blue, stolen from the temple of Rama site in India by Frenchman Jean Baptist Tavernier in 1668. In revenge, the priests of the temple, along with the Mogul Emperor Aurangzeb, held a special rite and infused the gem with a negative consciousness or emotional pattern. Since that time, every owner of the gem, or even those who have handled it, have been subject to misfortune, tragedy or violent death. Even after the original Great Blue was cut into pieces, the Hope remaining as the largest, the curse has followed every piece, even to the present.

Interestingly, tests have shown that the Hope Diamond and its sister stones are the only blue diamonds in the world which glow like red-hot coals when exposed to ultraviolet light, and can conduct an inordinate amount of electricity.

Cursed gems are the exception to the rule, however, for in most respects, gems and crystals are generally looked upon favourably, having properties for good luck, for healing, and in aiding in psychic abilities. The positive magical quality of crystals impressed themselves upon humankind far back in antiquity, for we find among Neanderthal remains dating back to 70,000 B.C. collections of quartz stones and stone balls made of quartz crystals. Pieces of crystal have also been found in megalithic cairns, and at New Grange in southern Ireland, tiny pebbles of white granite quartz cover the entire mound above the energy-chamber.

The Druids called certain coloured crystal forms ovus anguinum or glein neidr - 'serpent eggs' - who believed were created by etheric serpents of energy beneath the earth and conjugated together at the time of the midsummer sunrise. Such stones, worn about the neck, had the power of projecting one's auric field to favourably influence the aura and mind of anyone else who came within range.

Similarly, they understood that wearing crystals over certain acupuncture points of the body aided in the healthy flow of physical and psychic energies. The Emperor Tsin Shi, who reigned from 259-210 B.C., is said to have possessed at his palace at Hein-Yang in Shensi a mirror-like stone of crystal which 'illuminated the bones of the body' when a person stepped behind it. It was rectangular in shape, measuring four feet by five feet nine inches, and glowed on both sides. The placing of the hand over the heart somehow activated the stone, whereby the patient's inner parts were clearly portrayed, and diagnosis of illness could be obtained.

Two hundred and fifty years earlier, the Hindu sage Jivaka also had a large 'jewel' which 'illuminated the body like a lamp lights up a house,' and from which nothing within could be hidden by any intervening obstacle. In like fashion, the medicine men of the Hopi Indians of the American Southwest use crystals to observe the energy centres of the body, and can tell when physical currents are impeded, causing ill health. These crystals, too, have the power, when concentrated upon, to be energizers in influencing events, including forestalling bad weather.

On the Isle of Skye near Ireland, is a chapel dedicated to St. Columbus, and on the altar is a round crystalline blue stone held sacred to weather and health. Local fishermen, to appease contrary winds, bathe this stone with water and claim good results. The stone has also been applied to peoples' sides to relieve cramps.

Among the Australian aborigines of north Queens land on the Prosperine River, quarts crystals are used by the shamans to cause rain to fall. At other times, in special initiation ceremonies the aboriginal shamans are sprinkled with quartz beads mixed with water, and are thus able to see and speak briefly with spirit beings, exercise telepathy, and cure maladies.

The Ancients appear to have possessed sophisticated methods of growing and shaping crystals, in order to produce gems with specific magical properties. There are three major axis of crystal growth which can develop into any one of seven geometric systems, with lattices and facets in different ratios, producing 230 groups and variations, each one specializing in organizing, redirecting, separating, concentrating or converting applied energies.

In crystal growth, combinations of light intensity, light color, electric current, sound, the direction of these, plus the shape and size (frequency pattern) of the container or room, will all affect the final characteristics and energy potentials of a desired stone. Recent experiments, for example, have shown that crystals grow five times faster when their supersaturated solution is subjected to frequencies of 10 to 100 cycles a second.

Manly P. Hall and other students of esoteric wisdom have also noted that many ancient crystals were produced by 'zodiacal formulae' grown at specific times, when the sun, moon and planets were in special heavenly positions. During the growth process, crystals are also highly susWriter and researcher A.H. Fry tells of his experience with a woman who produced a special copper alloy by alchemically subjecting the ore to solutions of carbon and electric current, and then grew a crystal from the results. The crystal, Fry reported, possessed electrical resistance factors quite different from ordinary copper, and seemed to have tiny microscopic 'wires' embedded within it. When he attached an electrometer to the crystal, he was surprised to find it was also alive; it produced a pattern similar to that of a living plant, and reacted to outside physical and mental disturbances in the same way as Cleve Backster's experiments using a polygraph.

Fry, commenting on the Ancients' use of crystals in general, stated: "Legends occasionally mention crystals that could render invisibility (such as the one Apollonius of Tyana used before the Roman Emperor) and even cause weightlessness. They even used crystals to discover how to enter and escape time by negotiating a ninety degree angle phase shift. Was it all in the size and shape? Or did it involve mental forces and special 'live' qualities within the crystal?'

Fry also made this interesting observation, which relates the use of crystals to the Crystal of the Earth itself, and to ourselves, whose bodies are also made of crystalline forms: 'It is a literal fact that most of our planet is made up of crystals of specific shapes. The present energy problems will be a thing of the past when we start using the wondrous potential of these shapes. Even the food we eat must be converted to tiny crystalline shapes before it can pass through the tissue walls. The ancient Central American word for blood was chalchuihatl, and it literally meant, 'water of precious stones'. to consciousness imprinting, whereby the meditations, through-patterns, healing energy or bioelectric field identity of the grower may be enjoined within the crystalline structure and memory.

About Crystals: Text

The importance of cleansing and clearing your crystals

Cleanse new crystals straightaway, particularly if you intend to use them for healing. Cleansing is not a physical process - rather it is a spiritual ritual. In esoteric terms, crystals absorb and retransmit all energies with which they come into contact. In healing, crystals become receptive to emotional energies.

Cleansing your crystal back to a neutral state ensures that accumulated negative energies are not passed on. This process also re-energises the crystal and ensures that it functions at its highest level. Let your intuition be your guide: keep the intention in mind that you are clearing away all inappropriate energies and that you are working with purity of purpose.

The following are some different ways to cleanse, purify, re-energise and tune your crystals. Please note that as some crystals are sensitive to heat, light and/or water, not all methods will be suitable for all crystals.

Cleansing with Water - Cleanse your crystals by holding them under cool running water, such as an ordinary bathroom tap for several minutes. As you do so, think about a beautiful waterfall you have seen of visited. Or imagine the waves lapping over your crystal on a tropical beach. Note: Do not do this ritual with Halite, Selenite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite or Turquoise as these crystals are sensitive to water.

Stone Clearing and Crystal Clusters- Some stones will clear the negative or unwanted energies from other stones. The best all round crystal for this is Clear Quartz. Place the stone to be cleared on a the "clearing" stone, and leave for 24 hours. Amethyst Bed can also be used- use a large piece, or bed, of Amethyst to cleanse several crystals at once. Amethyst is said to transmute lower energies into the higher frequencies of both the spiritual and ethereal worlds, thereby transforming whatever is placed on it. Leave your crystals on the Amethyst Bed for 24 hours.

Earth Burial Crystal have come form the Earth. You can bury your crystals in the ground (do remember to mark where you have buried them!). The Earth has a natural magnetic quality which will draw off negativity. Leave your crystals in the Earth for 24 hours.

Resonating Sound - The vibrations of pure sound can quickly cleanse crystals. Purify your crystals with the resonating sound of a bell you love. You can cleanse and purify a roomful of crystals by ringing the bell above them, but the best way is to purify crystals one at a time. Perform this ritual for a few minutes. Another very effective and quick way to cleanse your crystals is by using a singing bowl.

Smudging - Smudge your crystals by burning a wedge of dried herbs and waving the smoke over and through them - proprietary "Smudge Sticks" are perfect for this ritual. You can use smudging to purify a roomful of crystals. Perform this ritual for a 5 minutes. incense can also be used.

Sunlight and Moonlight - Light is the essential currency of crystal healing so re-energise your water-cleansed crystals in sunlight and moonlight for 24 hours - the time of the Full Moon is perfect for this. Your crystals need a day of sunlight and a night of moonlight to re-energise.

It is important to tune your crystals directly after cleansing, purifying and dedicating. Remain in a relaxed alert state. Hold your crystal in one hand and place your other hand over it. Visualise an energy connection between you and the crystal (for example, a ray of white light). Decide on the crystal's purpose and then say out loud "I intend this crystal to be an effective tool for … (e.g. healing, mediation, dream interpretation).

About Crystals: Text

Charging and Programming

Charging Crystals

Crystals can be charged by placing one crystal on a Large Crystal Cluster, like an Amethyst Cluster. You can also place the crystal or crystals in the centre of a circle where the circle is comprised of other crystals whose terminations are pointing towards the centre. This is often referred to as Crystal Grids or Gridding.

Another way to charge crystals is to place them in the sunlight and/or in the light of the moon; the days related to the summer and winter solstices, the vernal equinox, the autumnal equinox, the full moon and the new moon are more heavily charged.

Programming Crystals

Programming is the process of instructing the energies of the crystals in the method in which to use its qualities of transformation, stability and attunement. Precise directions are required, or the response will be less than that which is intended. This precision in intent is beneficial training for those utilizing crystals.

The act of holding a crystal and intending to use it for a specific purpose is the simplest form of programming. Another method, primarily relevant to the programming of thoughts and universal energies which are inherent to the mineralogical formation involves the following:

1) Formulate a precise phrase which accurately describes the nature of the programming

2) Hold the crystal in your dominant hand, relax for several minutes, initiate circular breathing and centre yourself. Consciously align the personal conscious awareness with the higher self

3) Ask for guidance, protection and assistance in the programming process. Open the centre of consciousness and allow receptivity to flow through your inner being.

4) Repeat the formulated phrase 20 to 30 times in succession while visualising and/or feeling the desired effect of the program. As the phrase is repeated, an energy field will build and culminate in the energy pattern necessary to represent the desired program.

5) While maintaining full awareness of the energy field, bring total awareness and consciousness to the area of the Third-Eye Chakra or Heart Chakra. Place the crystal in front of the area of the Third-Eye Chakra or Heart Chakra and allow the self to feel the connection with it.

6) Direct the energy field into the crystal for 30 to 60 seconds and allow the program to be transferred to within the crystal. Intuitive recognition will signal when the transmittal is complete.

7) Detach consciousness from the crystal and allow the universal energies to act.

Programming Crystals for Protection

Protective energies have been gained from the mineralogical kingdom for eons. Crystals have been worn as amulets and talismen and have been programmed for protection in the light and love of the universal forces.

One method which has been used during programming for protection, for example against psychic attack entails a visualisation of a protective shield or a bubble of white light emanating from the crystal. The protection of ones possessions or of the home can also be facilitated via this method. Another technique involves Gridding the home or ones possessions and using a Crystal Laser or Wand to enclose same.

About Crystals: Text

Crystals and their healing properties

How Healing Crystals Work

History Tales tell that they were first used in Atlantis. Crystals became important to the people of that civilization who believed in their capacity to store and amplify any power source fed into them – physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Practitioners of modern-day crystal therapy believe that the stones’ ability to work as conductors allow them to focus energy via a person’s thoughts to stimulate healing – both physical and non-physical.

Crystals, at their simplest functional level, can store light and discharge it, or convert sunlight directly into electricity. A step beyond, the crystalline form can also store information in vast quantities. A cut sliver of crystal can pick up a specified vibratory pattern; the silver can then be ‘frozen’ and subsequently ‘unfrozen’ later to playback the pattern.

Are you looking for gentle, non-invasive remedies for your everyday ailments?

Do you want first-aid that is fast acting without side effects?

Have you felt depressed and out of sorts but did not want to resort to addictive pills?

Do you suffer from stress?

Does your child need a pacifier that is wholesome and safe?

…Does your soul need uplifting,your chakras balancing?

Are you looking for healthy attitudes and positive emotions?

Crystals are the answer….

Working with crystals has many healing properties….crystals are a gentle,non-invasive system of holistic healing with no side effects.

Suitable for children and animals and can also benefit the environment and your home.

In crystal healing the crystals can be used in different ways. They can be laid on the body at each chakra, they can be worn or even just be around the body. Sometimes healers use crystals that correspond with the chakras’ colors. Other times they use a crystal that is meant for a specific purpose.

Certain crystals are believed to work for certain reasons. For example, there may be a crystal that is used for healing physical pain in the stomach or there may be one used for healing emotional heartache.

Practitioners of crystal healing often learn their craft through watching other practitioners. There really is not formal training as it is not recognized as a medical treatment.

Crystal healing is an alternative medical treatment. This means that traditional medicine does not recognize it as effective. This does not mean that it does not work, but just that you can not expect your family doctor to recommend it or practice it for you. If you are interested in crystal healing then you should seek out someone knowledgeable on the subject for help.

Color therapy is the use of color to help balance the energy in the body. Color therapy is based upon the concept of chakras in the body. Chakras are the seven main energy centers in the body. They guide the energy given off by the universe that flows through the body.

Energy is thought to be an important element in the body. As it flows through the body it has a major effect on health and mood. When this energy is unbalanced or not flowing correctly a person will become ill or simply feel depressed or not normal.

Each chakra is related to a color. This color is the most effective on that particular chakra. The color white is also used for any chakra as it is the universal color of energy. The colors of the chakras are as follows:

• Violet is the color of the crown chakra located at the top of the head.

• Indigo is the color of the brow chakra or third eye which is located in the middle of the forehead.

• Blue is the color of the throat chakra located at the throat.

• Green is the color of the heart chakra which is located at the center of the chest.

• Yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra which is located in the upper abdomen area.

• Orange is the color of the sacral chakra which is located at the lower abdomen.

• Red is the color of the base or root chakra which is located at the base of the spine.

The effect color has on a person goes beyond just balancing the chakras. It has an effect both visual and physical. The eyes respond to color as well as the skin and brain. Color works very deeply on many levels to help heal a person.

Color therapy is more than just exposure to color. A color therapist is trained to know how to use each particular color in a way that will heal whatever is wrong with a person. Each color affects us differently. It has a unique way of causing our body to respond.

It is up to the color therapist to know how each color affects a person and how best to use the colors to treat a person. Color therapists employ a variety of techniques to administer color therapy

They may use colored cards or even colored lights. It depends greatly upon what is wrong with the person and what they need to have treated. A well trained therapist is able to determine what colors to use and how best to administer treatment.

While it is possible to do color therapy yourself, using a trained color therapist will really give you the best benefits. You will then be able to focus on the actual treatment instead of trying to figure out how to do the color therapy yourself.

About Crystals: Text

The Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word, and it means “wheel,” or “vortex,” because that’s what it looks like when we look at it. Each chakra is like a solid ball of energy interpenetrating the physical body, in the same way that a magnetic field can interpenetrate the physical body.

The chakras are not physical. They are aspects of consciousness in the same way that the auras are aspects of consciousness. The chakras are more dense than the auras, but not as dense as the physical body, but they interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system.

Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, and also with a particular group of nerves called a plexus. Thus, each chakra can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that chakra.

Crown Chakra – Violet

The Crown Chakra is associated with the Central Nervous System/ Pineal Gland. It is the centre of enlightenment, dynamic thought, truth and oneness.

The Crown Chakra governs the top of spinal cord, brain stem, pain centre, nerves.

Third Eye (Brow) Chakra – Indigo

The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the Autonomic Nervous System/ Pituitary Gland. It is the centre of psychic power, spirit energies, higher intuition and light.

The Third Eye Chakra governs the pituitary gland, pineal gland, skull, eyes, brain, nervous system, the senses.

Throat Chakra – Blue

The Throat Chakra is associated with the Respiratory System/Thyroid Gland. It is the centre of sound, communication, speech, writing and thought expression.

The Throat Chakra governs the throat, thyroid, mouth, teeth, tongue, jaw.

Heart Chakra – Green

The Heart Chakra is associated with the Circulatory System/Thymus Gland. It is the centre of compassion, love, group consciousness and spirituality.

The Heart Chakra governs the heart, lungs, blood and circulation.

Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow

The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the Digestive System/Adrenal Glands. It is the centre of personal power, ambition, intellect and astral force

The Solar Plexus Chakra governs the stomach, upper intestines, upper back, upper spine.

Sacral (Navel) Chakra – Orange

The Sacral Chakra is associated with the Genito-Urinary Tract. It is the centre of emotional desire, emotion, creativity, spirituality and intention

The Sacral Chakra governs the sexual organs, bladder, bowel and lower intestine.

Root (Base) Chakra – Red

The Root Chakra is associated with the Reproductive Glands. It is the centre of physical energy, grounding.

The Root Chakra governs the back, feet, hips, spine and legs ng and self-preservation.

About Crystals: Text

Simple Stone Spells

Money And Prosperity

New Year's Stone - At sunrise on the morning of the new year, go outside and find the largest stone you can carry. Take this back to your house and put it in a place of prominence. If you keep the stone in your house for a year, it will be one filled with prosperity. Replace the stone every year.


On the Fence - Rise before the Sun on the morning of the Spring Equinox. Find several stones and place them on the fence posts that surround your property, visualizing yourself, your home and life filled with luck.


Stone Love - Go to a place that contains many water-worn stones. Look for a large, flat rock while visualizing yourself being involved with the perfect mate.

On this rock, mark with red ink two intertwined hearts. As you do this, keep visualization in mind. When you are finished, bury the stone in the earth in an uncultivated place.


The Five Pebbles - Go to a moving brook or stream. While standing in the water and facing downstream, remove five small pebbles from the stream bed. As you do this, visualize your need for protection.

As your hand closes over the pebbles, see them beaming out protective energies. Just as the pebbles are hard and have weathered for eons, so too will they strengthen your protective shield.

Now carry them at all times for protection. If you wish, place them in a small pouch or a fold of cloth, or incorporate them into some form of jewelry.

Magical Intentions

Carry the stones in your pants pocket or place in a cloth pouch and carry with you.

(Taken from the book "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic"

About Crystals: Text

Crystals and Colour in more detail.

The Colouration of a Crystal results from how it interacts with light, and this is dependant upon the atomic structure of the mineral. There are two main types of mineral colours. Ideochromatic minerals are those such as copper or chromium, who's chemical composition directly affects their colour. Allochromatic minerals, on the other hand, are coloured by small amounts of impurities, usually no more than a few atoms of some other element, that create anomalies within the crystal lattice.

In opaque stones the colours we see are those frequencies of light that are not absorbed into the crystal lattice. Where a stone absorbs all frequencies of light, it appears black. White stones reflect the full colour spectrum and absorb no light. With a Crystal that is transparent or translucent, light rays enter the Crystal Structure and are actually slowed and bent or refracted from their paths by the arrangement of atoms. Depending on how the atoms modify the photons of light, the crystal will shift a full sunlight spectrum toward the slower frequencies, thus appearing Red, or towards the faster frequencies of blue and violet.

In Allochromatic stones, the minute anomalies in the crystal structure carry different energy charges that capture proton particles and forms centres or colouration. When a Crystal's colour changes according to the angle at which it is viewed, this process is known as Pleochromism. The internal structures and symmetry of the mineral break up separate rays of light in different ways depending on where the light enters the crystal. Diffraction is where the light becomes polarized, shifting speed and frequency, and emerges from the Crystals at different angles.

The Psychology of Colour

 The Human Body is intimately keyed to colour through its very evolution and colour therapy is an important method of treatment. Colour affects your personality, whether because of cultural conditioning or your initial experience of a particular colour. We are influenced by the distinctive vibrations that each colour possesses. Each colour in the spectrum vibrates at its own rate and these vibrations correspond with the body's inner vibrations. Each part of the body resonates to a different colour. When we are ill or troubled we can use the appropriate colour to harmonize our vibrations and restore equilibrium.There are psychological associations with each colour, and colours can be linked with moods. Reds, Oranges and Yellows are warm and expansive and give a feeling of energy , excitement and joy. Blues, Indigos and Purples are calming and cooler. They quieten the temperature and induce relaxation.

Red - is the spirit of physical life, full of power, fire and drive. It is courage and liberation, passion and excitement. Red has a burning desire to get somewhere but tends to act without thinking. "Red" people are reformers and fighters, and at best are fine leaders. They are builders of great things from very little. They are explorers, with the energy of the life force at their command. Pioneers, Military and Entrepreneurial people relate to Red. At its best, red will ensure a satisfying and passionate love life. Associated Chakra - Root Chakra.

Indications of Red Energy Imbalances:

- Cold, inactive or congested conditions

- Difficulty with physical movement, co-ordination or circulation problems

- Inability to sustain energy levels, physical weakness and exhaustion

- Being emotionally and mentally unable to experience life as it is, lacking in drive and enthusiasm, lethargic or uncomfortable with physical activity.

- Feelings of vulnerability and alienation, inability to maintain personal boundaries and easily drained by company.

Crystals to balance Red Energy or the Root Chakra are Red Jasper, Agate, Snowflake Obsidian, Hematite, Black Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Pyrite, Smokey Quartz.

Orange - is self-reliance and practical knowledge. In its role of assimilator, orange is the intestinal laboratory. It tests, then accepts or rejects. It has impetus, and it extremely persistent. But where red bullies, orange bides its time. Orange is genial, optimistic, tolerant, benign, warm hearted. It is friendship, the life and soul of the party. The unkind practical joker is the negative orange. Orange shatters: it breaks down barriers. Orange can eradicate. It brings up the energy of a past event that needs to be assimilated. Orange strength is subtle, It stimulates gently. It broadens life and is very purposeful. Orange moves on: it is the colour of divorce! Orange gives the courage to face the consequences. It accepts what is - and then changes it. Orange will not let sleeping dogs lie. It believes in the community. "Orange" people are usually skilled cooks or good at sport. Associated Chakra - Sacral Chakra.

Indications of Orange Energy Imbalances:

- Physical rigidity

- Restricted feelings

- Digestive disorders

- Lack of focus

- Lack of vitality

- Being stuck in the past or holding onto memories.

Crystals to balance Orange Energy or the Sacral Chakra are Red Jasper, Carnelian, Amber, Smokey Quartz, Tigers Eye.

Yellow - is the mind, precise and optimistic, clear and in control through intellect. It is the colour of the scientist. It unravels and reveals, leaving no stone unturned. It focuses attention, loves new ideas and is flexible and adaptable. Yellow has no hesitation; it decides quickly and acts immediately. Yellow smartens the reflexes. It is a great communicator: the journalist, the entertainer. It has no shortage of words. Yellow unifies and connects - a favourite pastime is networking, When something is revealed to Yellow it immediately thinks of editing it for the public rather than feeling it for itself. Yellow is financial ambition - holding onto it may be more difficult. It is at the executive level of business and has the ability to get things done. Yellow despises pettiness. It has self control, style and sophistication. Yellow always broadcasts a feeling of well being. People feel good around those under the yellow ray. They are sunny and willing, unless they are upset, when they can become acid and sharp tongued. Yellow is connected to the seat of self confidence and self esteem in the body. There is no fat on yellow - it is so quick that excess has no time to gather. Associated Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra.

Indications of Yellow Energy Imbalances:

- Stress related ailments such as indigestion, insomnia, panic attacks, headaches and muscle tension.

- Skin complaints such as eczema and psoriasis

- Nervous disorders

- Allergic reactions, food intolerance or arthritis

- Tension, worry and confusion.

Crystals to balance Yellow Energy or the Solar Plexus Chakra are Yellow Jasper, Citrine, Golden Quartz, Goldstone, Honey Calcite, Pyrite.

Green - is harmony; it stabilizes. Green is midway between red and purple: it is the bridge, the gateway in the spectrum - as the heart is in the body. The lesson of love needs to be learnt in order to cross green's bridge. Green is idealistic, socially aware, helpful and selfless. Doctors and nurses are on the green ray. It is dependable and diplomatic. Green can see both sides but can be moralistic. Green is clarity and understanding. It helps you to do the best you can. Green is about finding ones niche. It is self acceptance. Green is prosperous, especially in business. Green is the "good life" and the love of collecting possessions. It is wanting the best. Positive green is the giver. It is generous and loves to share what it accumulates. It is love of working outdoors. Green can indicate difficulty in finding a settled way of life. There may be a conflict if ideas and emotions that causes commotion and upheaval. But with green's ability to discriminate and balance, this conflict can lead to correct judgement and action. Associated Chakra - Heart Chakra.

Indications of Green Energy Imbalances:

- Invasive illness

- Abnormal growths

- Lack of control at any level

- Sense of Claustrophobia, being trapped, unfulfilled, restricted or dominated

- A need to be in control or to be controlled

- Lack of self-discipline

- Confusion as to who one is and what direction should be taken.

- Isolation

Crystals to balance Green Energy or the Heart Chakra are Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Amazonite, Aquamarine, Emerald, Fuschite, Jade, Lepidolite, Mookite, Peridot, Rhodonite.

 Blue/Indigo - is the spirit of truth and the higher order of intelligence. The head and the heart speak directly through the blue throat. Blue brings rest; it cools and calms; it slows down, and even retards growth. Blue is the tranquil spirit, the colour of contemplation. Its thinking is quiet and discriminating. "Still waters run deep" is a blue motto. Blue is peace with a purpose. Blue values integrity, honour and sincerity. It has a poised quality and will not easily draw attention to itself. Although honesty is a blue keyword, its negative side is a master of manipulation, so skilled that you do not even know you have been manipulated. Blue does not like upsets or arguments - yet if often causes them. Blue always advises caution. It is highly inventive. Poetry, Philosophy and writing are all blue professions. Associated Chakra - Throat Chakra.

Indications of Blue/Indigo Energy Imbalances:

- Throat problems, laryngitis, sore throats, tonsillitis

- Blocks to creativity and inspiration

- Difficulty with communication

- Being agitated

Crystal to balance Blue/Indigo Energy or the Throat Chakra are Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Amazonite, Apatite, Kyanite, Labradorite.

Purple/Violet - is the royal ray, the ruler, the spiritual master. It is also the protector and the spirit of mercy. Purple is the aristocracy of the spirit, it strives for enlightened perfection. Purple is the visionary; it works with the highest levels of thought, seeing and hearing without using the physical senses. Purple uses its psychic perception on an everyday basis. Purple comes to understand that the price you must pay for its royal attributes is sacrifice. Humility is a key aspect. But it can sacrifice itself for the benefit of all without being a victim or a martyr. Negative purple can be belligerent and treacherous. Purple is the great teacher who realizes that the pupil has to understand - facts alone are not. Associated Chakra - Third Eye Chakra.

Indications of Purple/Violet Energy Imbalances:

- An exaggerated need to sacrifice for others, that often disguises guilt or poor self-worth

- A tendency to live in a world of illusory value judgements or to escape into fantasy and day dreaming

- Delusional states and reinterpretation of reality based on personal fanaticism.

- Headaches, problems with eyes and ears

- Deep-seated glandular imbalances

- Lack of mental and spiritual focus

- Inability to concentrate

- Failure to understand what is happening in life or to a change.

Crystals to balance Purple/Violet Energy or the Third Eye Chakra are Amethyst, Fluorite, Labradorite, Lepidolite.

White - is next to the cosmic intelligence of brilliance, a denser brilliance. White has just stepped down from the ultimate purity of brilliance. Its fundamental quality is that all colours are equal in white, White has supreme faith, which it derives from reason. It conjures up hope, but on the negative side white is its own worst enemy. White travels light , so it's drawn to professions that are streamlined and precise. The civil service, banking and ergonomics suit it well. Associated Chakra - Crown Chakra.

Crystals to balance White Energy or the Crown Chakra are Clear Quartz, Selenite, Golden Quartz, Opalite, White Howlite.

Black -

Black is the colour of the person who keeps control by not giving information to others. Black indicates that something is lying dormant or buried. It is connected to philosophical thoughts and ideas. Someone wearing black continuously may be saying that there is something absent from his or her life. Negative black believes that all has ended, there is nothing to look forward to. It is afraid of what is coming next. But at the heart of black is discipline; this brings about freedom which is very liberating. Any cause that gives genuine support and works towards the light is working with the magic of black. Black can complete the incomplete. The mystic arts relate to black. Associated Chakra - Root Chakra.

Crystals to balance Red Energy or the Root Chakra are Red Jasper, Agate, Snowflake Obsidian, Hematite, Black Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Pyrite, Smokey Quartz.

General properties of crystals

Astral Projection - Tourmalated quartz crystal, opal

Business Success - Bloodstone, malachite, Green tourmaline, yellow zircon

Dieting - Moonstone, Topaz

Dreams - Amethyst, Azurite

Gambling - Amazonite, aventurine, cat's eye

Happiness - Amethyst, chrysoprase, yellow zircon

Healing/Health - Agate, amber, amethyst, aventurine, azurite, bloodstone, calcite, carnelian, cat's - eye, celestite, chrysoprase, coral, quartz crystal, diamond, flint, garnet, hematite, holey stones, jade, jasper, jet, lapis lazuli, peridot, petrified wood, sapphire, sodalite, staurolite, sugilite, sulfur, sunstone, topaz, turquoise, red zircon

Love - Agate, alexandrite, amber, amethyst, beryl, calcite, chrysocolla, emerald, jade, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, malachite, moonstone, olivine, pearl, rhodocrosite, sapphire, sard, topaz, pink tourmaline, turquoise

Money, Wealth, Prosperity, Riches - Aventurine, bloodstone, calcite, cat's-eye, chrysoprase, coal, emerald, jade, mother-of-pearl, olivine, opal, pearl, peridot, ruby, salt, sapphire, spinel, staurolite, tiger's-eye, topaz, green tourmaline, brown-green-red zircon

Physical Energy - Beryl, calcite, rhodocrosite, selenite, spinel, sunstone, tiger's-eye, red tourmaline, red zircon

Reconciliation - Diamond, selenite

Sexual Energy - Carnelian, sunstone, yellow zircon

Sleep - Moonstone, peridot, blue tourmaline

Success - Amazonite, chrysoprase, marble

Travel - Chalcedony, orange zircon

Wisdom - Chrysocolla, coral, jade, sodalite, sugilite

taken from the book "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic"

About Crystals: Text


Some people prefer to divine using a number of gemstones. Ideally, the stones should be smooth and similar in size and shape. They may range from pebbles found on a beach to semiprecious stones. This form of divination is known as lithomancy. The divination is accomplished by casting the stones and interpreting the pattern in which they fall. You may either interpret the way the stones relate to each other, or where they fell in relation to a pre-drawn chart, such as a North-South-East-West chart or a chart showing the 12 astrological houses.

In the British Isles, thirteen stones are used. Seven stones represent astrological signs: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. The remaining six stones represent the home, love, life, magic, luck and news.

Another method is to draw out a handful of stones from a bag and cast them on the ground or Gemstones onto a chart and interpret where they lie. In a spread, rose quartz would indicate love issues, amethyst spiritual issues, and red jasper (or red agate) issues involving your health.

Rose Quartz Meditation


Clearing the Heart Chakra

As we begin the meditation, hold a piece of rose quartz in your receiving hand. To determine which is your receiving hand…..if you are right handed, put it in your left. If you are left handed, put it in your right hand.Lithomancy

Some people prefer to divine using a number of gemstones. Ideally, the stones should be smooth and similar in size and shape. They may range from pebbles found on a beach to semiprecious stones. This form of divination is known as lithomancy. The divination is accomplished by casting the stones and interpreting the pattern in which they fall. You may either interpret the way the stones relate to each other, or where they fell in relation to a pre-drawn chart, such as a North-South-East-West chart or a chart showing the 12 astrological houses.

In the British Isles, thirteen stones are used. Seven stones represent astrological signs: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. The remaining six stones represent the home, love, life, magic, luck and news.

Another method is to draw out a handful of stones from a bag and cast them on the ground or Gemstones onto a chart and interpret where they lie. In a spread, rose quartz would indicate love issues, amethyst spiritual issues, and red jasper (or red agate) issues involving your health.

The heart stands at the center of all energies and unifies our being as a whole. It is the point around which all the energies turn. A discord or imbalance in the heart chakra will adversely effect all the other centers. A clearing of the heart chakra will improve the interaction of all the other centers. It is important to maintain a balance to all the energy centers so a healthy level of awareness is manifested in our everyday lives. If more concentration is given to the upper chakras, then the lower energy centers lose sensitivity and function. If more concentration is given to the lower chakras then the upper energy centers will become cloudy and not function properly as well. Proper balance is the key.

As we begin this meditational, if you have a piece of rose quartz, get it now. If you don’t have rose quartz, any of the stones that work for the heart chakra will work. Hold this in your receiving hand.

Take some peaceful breaths of cleansing and renewal. Feel the breath draw life into the body and the spirit. Breathe deeper and feel the breath draw not just from the air around you but also from the earth below. Breathe in this earth energy with each breath. Breathe with every pore of your body, feeling the awakening that is beginning to happen. Allow the life giving energies to pour into you and renew both your body and spirit. Let the earth energy surround you and flow into you. Feel it pulsing through your veins and surrounding you altogether. Continue to breathe this way, slowly and begin to relax even more.

As you sink deeper into this relaxation, feel yourself moving gently away from your body. Feel the freedom and relaxation as you move away from your body. Know that the body itself will be refreshed and renewed and will be perfectly safe until you return.

Now you are moving again, farther and farther into a field of clouds. You are very pleased and refreshed by the unique shapes and colors of the clouds. Watch how they form and reform, turning gently and constantly on themselves in an endless dance. You look ahead and see the clouds are more dense as if they are “hiding” something. The closer you draw, the clouds start to thin out as they start to become transparent the gracefully pull away. Now they have pulled back altogether to reveal a beautiful pink rose quartz.

Look closely at the color and notice the intensity of pure color that it radiates. Feel the warmth of the pink. Allow that warmth to wash over you. As it covers you from head to toe feel the love that is radiating from the rose quartz. Let it seep into your every pore, every fiber of your being. Receive the love that is being given to you freely. The color pink is as deep as it is radiant it is very pleasing to the eye and you feel yourself being drawn into it you feel yourself passing through the walls of pink and now you are suspended within. You notice the graceful intricate archways of pink surrounding you.

You feel a slight breeze move through and hear a sweet melody, one note after another as the breeze goes through the arches to create this melody. Another breeze stirs again and you hear the harmony and this harmony comes from deep within your being. It is part of you, it is you. You feel it in your heart as it vibrates throughout your entire body and spirit. It pulses through you with great strength in all directions at once. You are recharged and renewed.

As it sings through your body you have a great feeling of power and joy all fatigue and discomfort are passing away. The strength of the color pink and the vibrations of the rose quartz are sweeping through you, cleansing, renewing and restoring every fiber of yourself. You feel the center, in your heart, like the hub of a wheel and all other systems of your body are drawing from and reflecting this love to your other energy centers. They are drawing this love giving power through them to be restored in turn. You are filled with breath strength and joy and love and compassion in this newly found energy. You also know that you can draw upon this energy to restore yourself on any level of the body or spirit. This energy is here for you, whenever you would want it to be. You are part of this energy and it is, as always, a part of you.

Now you begin to move back, leaving the archways of pink. You continue stepping back farther and farther until the rose quartz is completely within your field of vision. You see it turning gently and peacefully. The clouds are moving again in around the rose quartz. They curl, roll and cover it. You are moving farther and farther away and drawing back into your physical body. You become aware that you are centered again within it. You feel it surround you and you are comforted by its familiarity. You realize that your body has also been renewed and refreshed while you were in the midst of the profound love you just experienced. This gives you great pleasure. Now breathe deeply in and out and feel the body’s life systems awakening. Breathe deeply again and as you release the breath, you become aware of all the sounds of life around you. Breathe a third time, you are fully awake, refreshed, and renewed and remembering all that you have learned.

From Healing


Information about crystals and their properties taken from 'The Crystal Bible' by Judy Hall.

Information on 'About Crystals' kindly given by Paula Burgess - The Crystal Cavern

About Crystals: Text
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